It’s time to finally learn Bitcoin.

Hey all! Did you come to see more of my content?

Then you’re in the right place.

This blog is my personal platform. It’s where I’ll be regularly posting helpful, informative, and humorous content in the form of guides, listicles, and articles that are exclusive to this site. These posts could be about the news of the day, the thoughts on my mind, or whatever you guys want to read about.

Oh, and it’s pretty much all about cryptocurrency. Especially Bitcoin.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice, nor am I a financial advisor. I am not pretending that I can see the future of the market. This blog is merely intended to raise awareness about a developing asset that I believe could be world changing. All normative and predictive statements made herein are my opinion, and should not be definitively interpreted as fact. I encourage all readers to expand their Bitcoin research beyond that of my blog, hear other’s opinions, and diversify their information sources within the space. Financial decisions made in light of this information are yours to make.

In the spirit of Bitcoin: Don’t Trust; Verify.

The… Sat Stack?

For the uninitiated, a “Sat” is short for a “Satoshi”, which is the smallest unit into which a Bitcoin can be divided. To be precise, it is exactly one one-hundred-millionth of a Bitcoin. Bitcoin is sitting at around 50k USD as I write this, meaning that a Satoshi is worth about 1/20th of a cent.

With that in mind, “Sat stacking” is a term used by Bitcoin enthusiasts to describe the act of continually setting a little bit of each paycheck aside to buy a tiny bit of Bitcoin. In other words, they’re collecting Satoshis, aka “stacking sats”.

I decided to name my blog “The Sat Stack” for a couple of reasons:

  1. Its SUPER catchy. Like, c’mon.
  2. In a weird sort of way, it happens to describe who I am and what I do.

Now part of that isn’t hard to grasp. I actually am “sat stacking” with my money– in fact, I’m doing it with almost all of my money. At least 80% of my income is being used to buy and hold Bitcoin right now, and I have no problem admitting that.

But “The Sat Stack” also has an air of humility to it. It’s not about million-dollar deals or massive Bitcoin infrastructure projects. It’s about harvesting some of the smallest available units of account, and treating each piece like it’s worth gold (because it is!)

It’s something that anyone can do. It’s something that I can do.

Who I Am

I’ll make this clear from the start: I’m not some big businessman, nor an economist, nor a software engineer. I am not, by any quantifiable metric, an “expert” of any field related to Bitcoin, crypto, or finance at large.

All I am is a guy who had the curiosity and open mind to investigate Bitcoin years ago, and the patience to watch it bloom to fruition. If you have these qualities, then you deserve to know about Bitcoin, and you deserve to have some too. This blog is intended for people like you and me.

Why You Need To Read This Blog (YES, YOU!)

When I was still learning the basics of Bitcoin, it was so easy to feel like a fish out of water while trying to grapple with what it was, how it worked, or why it was important.

I’m willing to bet you feel that way too.

That’s because, even today, many of the voices promoting Bitcoin have no common touch. They’re either…

  1. Super-nerds who are speaking their own technical language that no beginner will ever understand, or…
  2. Enthusiasts and early investors that have been immersed in the Bitcoin space for far too long. They assume everyone they speak to is as knowledgeable and excited about it as they are. They then become passive-aggressive with you when they realize that you aren’t.

The public messaging in this space is all wrong, and it’s leading innocent people astray.

Meanwhile, although Bitcoin continues to rise in price and popularity, many aren’t investing for the right reasons.

Rather, many invest with amusement, viewing it as a “high-risk, high-reward” option, akin to gambling. They see it as a short-term opportunity to generate high income in an emotional and fragile market built on people like them: speculators who, ultimately, have no faith in, or awareness of, the underlying value of Bitcoin.

Listen to me.

DO NOT become one of those people.

Step away from the day-trading charts that make Bitcoin look volatile. Stop listening to every established financial guru laughing about its lack of “inherent value”. Turn off the news telling you that Bitcoin is melting the planet.

Erase whatever you think you know about Bitcoin or “crypto” from your mind.

View things from a macro perspective, and entertain the thought that Bitcoin– this technology lived that’s lived, died, risen, thrived, competed, developed, and reached a trillion-dollar market cap without any official marketing team over 12 hectic years– may be more than meets the eye…

That’s what I did… and after five years of learning about this digital currency and observing its growth, I’m ready to open my mouth and start talking to people about why it actually matters. Both its future potential and use cases for every person on earth are large to the point of being unbelievable.

But I will make you believe it. Through this blog, I will expose you to the ins and outs of Bitcoin in a reader-friendly and digestible way that you have no excuse to ignore if you care about your financial future.

This isn’t a fad. This isn’t a meme. This isn’t a Ponzi scheme. What it could be, however, is one of the greatest revolutions in global finance that the world has ever seen. One that will benefit you, if you choose to pay attention.

Interested yet? Stay tuned for my future posts. All will be explained soon.

Stay Stackin’



Categories: The Sat Stack


Bitcoin-blogger. Sat-Stacker. Author at CryptoPotato.